Child & Family Sensitive Issues
Child Protection & Safeguarding
All schools have a clear responsibility placed on them by the Children Act 1989 and by guidance from the Department for Education (DfE) to safeguard the welfare of all their pupils. We will consult with Social Services if we believe there is a possibility that a child may be suffering from abuse or neglect.
A referral to Social Services is not intended to be an accusation of any particular action or against any particular person. It is the reporting of concerns which have come to the school’s attention. This is accordance with Sandwell Child Protection Procedures.
All staff have received relevant training for their role which will be updated regularly. The designated teacher for Child Protection is Sally Fenby. The deputy designated teacher is Linda Ramsden. They will be happy to discuss any questions or concerns parents/carers may have about Child Protection Practice.
School nurse
Our school nurse comes into school regularly and is available to meet individually with children or parents. If you would like the support of a school health nurse then a referral has to be completed by Linda Ramsden.
Family support
Please contact our Parent Support Advisor, Linda Ramsden, if you would like advice on any aspect of parenting or child care. Linda can be contacted via the school office.