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Old Hill Primary School is a place of excellence where children can achieve full potential in their academic, creative, personal, physical, social, moral, spiritual and cultural development.

Our Home School Agreement sets out the partnership between the school and family to benefit the educational development of each child. By working together, we can really aim high. 

The family will:

  • Ensure that children come to school every day, on time, wearing the appropriate school uniform and be ready to learn.

  • Work in partnership with the school to build on and extend children’s learning.

  • Promote good behaviour and high expectations by modelling courtesy and respect at all times.

  • Work in partnership with the school so that children have the skills to keep themselves safe at all times.

  • Be committed to working effectively with the school and supporting and promoting its values.

  •  Support all school efforts to ensure that children develop as healthy citizens, able to participate fully and responsibly.

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